Monday, April 15, 2013

Worse Than Judas

I have recently become a little bit fascinated with Judas. 

Intrigued. Curious. 

My mind is riddled with questions about him, his life, and his ministry with Jesus.

We don't know much about him, do we? He's basically only known as the disciple who betrayed Jesus. The one who gave over the Christ for a mere bag of money.

But.. There has to be so much more to his story.

After all, this was a man who KNEW Jesus. Intimately. For years. He had seen Him heal the sick, feed the hungry, cast out demons, and teach about God's kingdom. He was by His side when Jesus fed the 5,000. Raised Lazarus from the dead. Made the blind see. Cured leprosy. He walked with Jesus. WITH HIM! He left his former life to follow Jesus just like Matthew left collecting taxes and Peter left fishing. He gave up everything to be a disciple.

So what happened? Why did he do it? What circumstances was he under? Was trickery or deceit involved? As portrayed on "The Bible" series on the History Channel, was he tricked into thinking that the officials only wanted to have a little chat with Jesus? Did he really know the gravity of what he was doing? The fact that he later was filled with so much grief that he went and hung himself makes me think that he was overwhelmed by the weight and consequences of his decision. Luke and John both say that satan had entered Judas just before he made the deal with the priests. A disciple of Christ was possessed by the devil. But how? How did someone who intimately knew Jesus allow an opening of that size for the enemy?

And then I take my eyes off of Judas and turn them to the worst sinner I know.


I realize that I don’t know Jesus as well as Judas knew Him.

I realize I have betrayed Jesus more than Judas ever did.

And it sinks in that I have done it for so much less than thirty pieces of silver.

I have betrayed the Man who loves me perfectly, who sacrificed Himself in the most extreme of ways for me, who rescued and redeemed me…

And I have done it for less than fractions of pennies.

I’ve done it for the approval of others. For instant gratification in the arms of someone who loves me much less than He does.  For affirmation. For a boost in my self-esteem. For temporary satisfaction. Full of pride and foolishly thinking that I know better than He does.

And yet… His love for me doesn’t change. His pursuit of my heart never changes. No matter how many times I grieve Him, His mercies are new for me each morning. He doesn’t leave me in the pit. He comes down into the trenches with me, picks me up, and carries me out.

Oh, what a Savior!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

2012 Adventures Around the World

As anyone who reads this probably knows, my 2012 was a tid bit out of the ordinary.  I spent the year traveling to 11 different countries, serving and loving and learning more about Jesus. I will be returning to the mission field & to this blog soon, but for now, read about my year and what's going on here:

Until we meet again!