Friday, July 8, 2011
all FB updates into one..
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- So for some reason my Facebook updates weren't getting sent out to everyone so I have just copied and pasted them all here for you to read.. My summer so far:
grace in africa - June 7- my heart is at home.I have to start by saying how grateful I am that our sweet Lord has allowed me to come back to Uganda, for such a time as this. He knew how much I needed to be here. My heart is so much here. I wish I could explain it. It's funny how much I feel at home in a country that I had never even set foot in two and a half years ago. Everything here is now familiar and brings such comfort. The huge, open skies. Mosquito nets. Cokes made with real sugar. Red, dirt roads. And a thousand other things that I love about being here.
So as most of you know, this summer looks different than the others. Technically I am not volunteering in any one place, but instead taking each day as it comes. I've spent a lot of time at Ekisa, where I am staying, working with kids with special needs. They are PRECIOUS and I love them so much. It's definitely stretching me, but it's been good. I've also been able to visit my little man at Amani, which is great. Jacob has such a HUGE piece of my heart. Right now I am trying to figure out what the best way is to love him. I would appreciate any prayers about that. :)Mainly I'm concerned because I know that he is attached to me, and I'm trying to figure out how much time I should be spending with him, since I am leaving again in July. It's hard. I've also gotten to spend a lot of time with George, a little boy who used to be at Amani but is now living with his grandma. He's almost 6 and a complete charmer ans has me wrapped around his finger. I adore him. I've also been able to go on a couple of home visits to former Amani kids that have been reunited with family. It is such a fun thing to see kids thriving with their natural families! Yesterday we went to a village in Pallisa, about 3 hours from Jinja to see a little girl who I was really close with last summer. She is in school now and doing so well. We had such a good time. I've also been able to spend a lot of quality time with friends that are so close to my heart. I know that these friendships are a huge part of why I needed to come back this summer. I'm so so thankful to be in the community here that I am. I could not have planned the timing any better. Oh, and I can't forget.. Saturday I was able to go with some friends to Kampala (the capital) for a Uganda Cranes soccer game.. It was a BLAST! We were a little nervous after the world cup bombings in Kampala last summer, but everything was fine. The 4 of us white girls were pretty much the hit of the game.. I think our pictures will be a bit all over haha. We won 2-0 and had a really fun time. One guy even took his shirt off and ran onto the field, only to get chased down by police officers.. Hilarious.
Okay so now that I've bored you with the "what I am doing here" details- I promise the next update will be much more interesting. ;)
Please keep me in your prayers as things have been rough for me for the past few weeks. I would definitely appreciate prayers for strength and peace as I am trying to process through some big things right now that have really put a beating on my heart. I feel like the following lyrics pretty much sum up the way I've been feeling..
bring me joy, bring me peace. bring the chance to be free. bring me anything that brings You glory. and i know there'll be days when this life brings me pain, but if that's what it takes to praise You, Jesus bring the rain. (mercy me)
Peace & Love.
- grace in africa - June 10
- Jesus Calling for todayHey sweet friends.
This morning I just wanted to share with you today's devotional from the devo book I have. It spoke RIGHT to where I am in my life right now and I wanted to share it with ya'll, in the hopes that it will bring you some encouragement as you begin another day.
"Rest in Me, My child. Give your mind a break from planning and trying to anticipate what will happen. Pray continually, asking My Spirit to take charge of the details of your day. Remember that you are on a journey with Me. When you try to peer into the future and plan for every possibility, you ignore your constant Companion who sustains you moment by moment. As you gaze anxiously into the distance, you don't even feel the strong grip of My hand holding yours. How foolish you are, My child!
Remembrance of Me is a daily discipline. Never lose sight of My presence with you. This will keep you resting in Me all day, every day."
Amina! (Amen in Luganda.)
Prayer requests:
-for peace. I am still really struggling with some of the things going on in my life. I need to cling to His peace, the only thing that will comfort me.
-for clarity and direction. The more I learn, the more I don't know exactly what ministry the Lord is calling me to in order to help the orphans of the world.
-for healing. I have had a nasty cold for the past few days that I just can't seem to kick! The locals here call it "having flu" so everyone has been letting me know that I am, in fact- not fine- but that I am suffering with flu! Darn it.
Peace & Love,
- grace in africa - June 15
- Quick update of a long day..Today I spent over 4 hours in a children's hospital here in town. A few days ago when I went to visit Amani, a baby they had just gotten the day before completely stole my heart. The first time I saw little Enock, I thought he was just precious! When I asked how old he was, they said "6" and then paused and I just KNEW that they were going to say days. "6...Months." MONTHS?!?! This sweet little boy barely weighs 2.6 kilos. (Less than 6 pounds.) I was shocked. I found out that his mother is HIV+ and when she delivered, they told her not to breastfeed. For whatever reason, instead of getting formula or milk, Enock was being fed tea. And only tea. He is tiny and fragile but boy is he a fighter!! When I found out yesterday that they needed to take him to the clinic to get tested for HIV, I jumped at the chance to spend some serious quality time with him. So I wrapped him all up and spent the morning waiting and waiting and cuddling and cuddling until they finally took the test (which only took about 5 minutes.) The people there were really staring at us a lot.. The combination of me being white and him being so small had them all talking. It made me SO frustrated at the Ugandan health care system but also gave me some sweet time to pray over Enock's life and get in some good snuggles. I was exhausted by the time we left, but thankful as well.
Since this trip is somewhat short for me, I wasn't planning on doing ANY traveling while I was here. Apparently though, the travel bug has gotten the best of me and I am heading back to Rwanda for the third time tomorrow night for a few days. There is a big festival on Saturday because they are naming a newborn baby gorilla and apparently it is a huge deal. I have several Rwandan friends as well as friends that are working/volunteering in Rwanda, so I think it will be a good few days!
Prayer requests:
-travel mercies. That 9+ hour bus trip is not a fun one. Especially with my stomach.
-I still cannot kick this cold! It's just kind of puts a damper on things.
-My heart in leaving UG for a few days to go to Rwanda. I am having very mixed feelings about going for many reasons and I just ask for prayer for peace and comfort.
-Still definitely needing prayer on how to best love Jacob. The past few times I have been at Amani I have realized how important it is that I do my best to figure out what is the best thing for him. Obviously, that is a family.. But trying to figure out my role in his life right now is a bit tricky.
-My heart is hurting right now. A lot. More than anything I feel like I need prayers for healing and for the ability to trust the Lord with everything. Everyday. Just laying it all at the foot of the cross, where it belongs.
Peace & Love.
- mercies in disguise.Well, due to some circumstances beyond my control, I didn't end up going to Rwanda. I just didn't feel well and didn't feel right about going so we stayed here.
Not going allowed me to keep George for the weekend, which was pretty fun. I was just going to keep him Friday night but then his grandma asked me to keep him until Sunday because she was going to Kampala on Saturday. Of course I said sure. :)He really is a funny kid. He tends to be pretty bossy and sometimes has bad manners, but we are working on it. He's generally loud and quite the charmer, but when I make him say "please" and "thank you" - he says it in a barely audible whisper. He hates saying it! It's also pretty interesting to see his mannerisms and the way he asks for things.. I feel like you can tell that he lived the first 5 years of his life in an orphanage. Sunday when we were walking to catch a boda to take him back to his jjajjas, he noticed a helicopter about to land on the airstrip. (We live right on it.) Lots of people were crowding around to watch because the airfield is hardly ever used. We hopped on a boda, drove down a bit, and had to stop right in front of it because the traffic was stopped. Turned out it was Museveni, Uganda's president! We watched him walk from his chopper to a car and drive off, and George talked about it the rest of the day. He asked if Dr Besigye (the main opponent) was with him, but our boda informed him that they aren't really friends. Haha. But all in all we had a really good weekend and he told me to make sure to tell his jjajja that I was going to come back and bring him to Kimaka (where we live) again.
Anyway.. I would really appreciate prayers for my heart right now. I am having a hard time really focusing on my time here and using each minute to the fullest. I've felt completely overwhelmed by so many things lately and am doing a poor job of trusting God to take care of them all. Sometimes it's just hard! I am so ready to start my life full-time here, yet I don't have any doors opening. It's so frustrating. When the doors that I was expecting/wishing to open didn't, I ended up applying to a program called The World Race. ( It's an 11 month, 11 country mission trip around the world, spending a month in each country partnering with some kind of ministry there. It's an incredible opportunity and I'm blown away by the fact that the door is open for me to go. My spot is secured, yet I'm really struggling with just wanting to be HERE, where so much of my heart is. But I want to be here in God's timing, not my own, so if that's not now, then I don't truly want to be here now. I would love prayers for peace and trusting as I serve here and wait for His direction. (Also, on a side note- when I come home I will be having to raise $15,500 for the trip. I am bringing home lots of goodies to sell to help me get there and would love 2 things from you. First, if there are certain things you think you would buy, I would love for you to send me a message telling me. [Jewelry, scarves, bags, decorations, African statues, etc.] Second, my goal is to have 10 "shop parties" WHEREVER that people are willing to host for me to come and sell from. Basically just a window of a few hours that you would open your house and invite your friends to come and shop. If you are interested in this, please PLEASE message me so we can go ahead and get dates scheduled in!)
Anyway, the song I am attaching a link to has seriously been a lifesaver for me this semester. It was a hard and draining semester, and sometimes I would just sit and listen to this song over and over again and let the words speak to my heart. I have found myself again in a place where I am clinging to these words. Especially the following:
"all the while, You hear each desperate plea. and long that we'd have faith to believe. cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops? what if Your healing comes through tears? what if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near? and what if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise?"
I hope you enjoy the song as much as I have and really let it speak to your heart.
Peace & Love.
grace in africa- June 27- plans always change..Many are the plans in a man's heart, but the Lord determines his steps.. Right? Right. I am such a planner. These days.. Nothing has gone according to plan.
Instead of going to Rwanda last week, I didn't. A lot of thought went into my decision to stay, but for many reasons I felt that it wouldn't be good on my heart for me to go. So I stayed. Instead, that weekend George (my 5 year old sponsored boy that used to be at the orphanage but now lives with his grandma) came and stayed with me for the weekend. He is so funny and so stubborn! He loves to dance and says hilarious things and has bad manners but loves being with me and I love him so much! All in all, we had a pretty good weekend. :)
Then one day a team from Fort Smith/Searcy was working with Kampala and came to Jinja for the day and I got to take them to Amani and Ekisa and show them Jinja and the kiddos and then got spoiled by all of the goodies they brought for the kiddos! (And a few for me too!) I went back to Kampala with them and met up with another team- this one from Little Rock- and stayed a couple of days with them. I won't go into details, but the Lord made it so completely obvious (before I left the US) that I was supposed to meet the woman leading this team and spend some time with them and I am SO glad that I did. I spent a couple of days with them and was just so encouraged by their passion and desire to know and serve the Lord. (And these were all 16-18 year olds! I wish I had "gotten it" like they do when I was there age.) We showed the Jesus Film in a slum one night and spent the next morning working at a home for street kids and the afternoon piercing ears in a slum. (It is a widely held belief that witch doctors won't abduct children that aren't "natural"- ie girls with their ears pierced and circumcised boys- for child sacrifice.) I only pierced 3 kids- a 1 month old, a 3 month old, and like a 5 year old before I just went to play and love on kids. It was an interesting experience to say the least!
The highlight of the afternoon was helping them to hold a sweet 1 month old still while they pierrced her ears. After, I asked the mom if I could hold her and she said that I could. I asked the mom her name and talked to her for a bit then asked the girls name.. The convo looked like this:
Me: How old is your daughter?
Her: 1 month.
Me: She's beautiful. What is her name?
Her: She doesn't have.
Me: She doesn't have?? You haven't chosen for her yet?
Her: No. You choose.
Me: What?!?!
Her: You give her a name.
Me: Okay... (long pause)... Grace.
Her: (smiling) Okay!
Hahahaha. SO I named a child for the first time, and yes, I gave her my name. :)Some of the kids on the team informed me of how vain that is, but my daddy gave me my name and I think it is a great, Godly name. :)
One of the team leaders came over and started talking to the mom and asked her the baby's name and the woman said that I had named her and I told her what I named her and she was SO excited and kept thinking about "grace" when she was praying over her while she was getting her ears pierced. She then started talking to the mom about God's grace in sending us Jesus.. Which was obviously my point in naming her that, I just hadn't quite gotten around to telling her that yet.. ;)
So.. That's life as of late. Lots of plans being changed and worlds being rocked. Still praying about what the Lord has next for me and where. I am so ready to be here full time but no door has opened. Perhaps the Lord telling me to wait. Perhaps the Lord telling me to knock harder. I'm still praying. The question everyone seems to be asking me is WHY I am going home. To be honest, I don't know. My answer feels weak. "I have nothing to do here." How is that true? There is such a need here, yet I don't feel like I have found my "place." I don't even know what that looks like or where to start. I leave a month from today and just the thought of it.. Yikes. I don't even want to go there.
I had a few people send me messages about being willing to host "shop events" for me in their houses, but not as many as I was hoping for. I have a list of people that I am planning on asking SO if you think you're gonna be on that list, maybe you should message me first.. ;)
Prayers appreciated, as always. Life keeps me busy here and so I am unable to think through and process certain things that I need to be processing and thinking through. Pray that I am able to be intentional about things that I need to be intentional about. (Sorry it's so vague haha.)
Peace & Love.
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